Casa Valduga - Desde 1875

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Para visitar o site da Casa Valduga, você precisa ter a idade legal mínima para consumir bebidas alcoólicas.
Se o seu país não tiver uma lei com idade mínima para beber, você deve ter no mínimo 21 anos para acessar o site.

To visit Casa Valduga's website, you have to be of legal drinking age. If your country doesn't have a minimum drinking age, you must be at least 21 to enter this website.

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Casa Valduga - Desde 1875

Casa Valduga

The avant-garde vision, elegant design, high technology and, above all, the family's values underscore the building of this brand. The ardent pursuit of innovation and continuous improvement are the traits the family stands for and consolidate Casa Valduga as an icon in the winery segment.

Wine Tourism

We go beyond wine. Luiz Valuga's passion for people and to receive them well has earned him the title of pioneer in Wine tourism in Vale dos Vinhedos. The structure of the Guest Houses and the cuisine make for an incredible experience for lovers of wine and great stories.


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“Before making two bottles of wine, make one, but let it be well-made.”

So says Luiz Valduga, patriarch of the family. And thus was the wine culture of Casa Valduga created.