Casa Valduga - Desde 1875

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Casa Valduga - Desde 1875
Casa Valduga - Desde 1875



Famiglia Valduga Group was present at the ProWein fair in Germany

Tags: International

Casa Valduga, a world-renowned brand for its standard of excellence and tradition in the elaboration of wines and sparkling wines, took part in the Wines of Brasil booth at the ProWein 2019 fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, which took place this month.

On that occasion, the owner of the Famiglia Valduga group, João Valduga, and Luisa Valduga, brand ambassador and daughter of João, visited the Fair to check the main innovations and trends in the sector.

The commercial and marketing director of Domno Importadora, Jones Valduga, son of João Valduga, also honored the fair.

Domno Importadora, which belongs to the Famiglia Valduga group, is dedicated to importing wines, bringing to Brazil the most consecrated labels in the world with the aim of providing the Brazilian market with the best in wines from the main wine regions. In addition, it is responsible for the elaboration of Ponto Nero sparkling wines, internationally recognized for their joviality and elegance, and which have already won national and international awards.

More than 500 visits, with buyers from 20 countries, were made this year at Wines of Brazil by 11 Brazilian wineries. These deals could result in two million dollars in business over the next 12 months, a 25% higher than last year.

The stand presented a new sectoral positioning named The Sparkling New World, or, in free translation, sparkling new world. This is because, in this 15th year of participation, the focus was on different styles and methods of preparation of sparkling wines.

The presence of Brazilian labels at the main world wine fair was made possible by the Brazilian Wine Institute and the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the support of the Secretary of Economic Development and Tourism of Rio Grande do Sul (Sedetur / RS).

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